Loan Agreement Template

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A loan agreement is a formal written contract used whenever money is borrowed. The contract defines who the borrower and lender are, the amount of money lent, the interest rate, and how long the borrower has to pay it back. The primary purpose of the contract is to protect the lender should the borrower not uphold their commitments.

By Type (10)

Auto Loan Agreement – For loaning money to a person or business for the purchase of a motor vehicle.

Business Loan Agreement – Used to establish the terms and conditions of an arrangement where money was lent to a business for operational or investment purposes.

Employee Loan Agreement – Used when a company lends money to one of its employees.

Family Loan Agreement – A lending contract formed between two (2) or more family members.

I Owe You (IOU) Agreement – An informal agreement that recognizes money was lent from one person/entity to another.

Loan Extension Agreement – Prolongs the maturity date of the borrower’s loan; used when a borrower falls behind on payments. Interest still accrues during the interim.

Payment Plan Agreement – Used for structuring the payment timeline a borrower will be required to follow when repaying a loan.

Personal Loan Agreement – A general agreement used for lending money for a wide range of needs, such as a wedding, home renovation, or a vacation.

Promissory Note – A debt instrument that establishes a written promise from a borrower to a lender. They are legally binding, but they generally fall somewhere in between an IOU and a loan contract in terms of enforceability.

Simple (1 page) Loan Agreement – A one (1) page loan agreement that remains fully binding upon the parties but is significantly less dense and complex.
