30 Effective Self-Evaluation Examples for Performance Reviews

Love them or hate them, performance reviews and self-appraisal comments are a fact of life for most employees. While the process can at times feel daunting, the feedback received from performance reviews can help mold your skills and provide motivation and understanding of how you contribute to an organization’s overall goals and outcomes.

When we think of what performance reviews and self-appraisal comments entail, we often overlook one of the most critical components to the process: the self evaluation. Self-appraisal comments are a prime opportunity for you to demonstrate what an asset you are to your company and set goals to continue your career growth.

We’ll walk through our best practices for preparing and writing your self-appraisal comments and evaluation, complete with self-evaluation for performance review examples to help you draw inspiration and best present your skills when it’s time for your next review.

4 Tips to Ace Your Self-Evaluation

self-appraisal comments

Writing self-appraisal comments can feel awkward, as you are unsure how to estimate your progress and performance without selling yourself short or your self-appraisal comments coming off boastful. The following tips and self-evaluation for performance review examples will help you achieve that balance.

1. Be specific (and provide examples)

Being specific adds clarity and situational relevance to your self-appraisal comments. Sharing greater detail about how you’ve reached your goals in your self-evaluation for performance review examples allows your manager to gain an understanding of your strategic approach, which accurately represents all of the hard work you’ve put into your achievements.

Here, we’ll share two self-evaluation for performance review examples and show you how you can improve your self-appraisal comments to be more specific.

Due to my interest and savvy with social media, I generated more MQLs through paid marketing channels.

While you may be savvy with social media, this is one of the self-evaluation for performance review examples that fail to convey the many skills and strategies you utilized to meet your goal. Such self-appraisal comments also lack a clear, measurable example of your accomplishments. Instead, you could share more details in your self-appraisal comments, such as:

I leveraged keyword research, site traffic analysis, and tracked social media trends to develop targeted and timely content that generated 50 new MQLs through our paid marketing channels, and successfully hit my OKR.

Much like a SMART goal for performance reviews, such self-evaluation for performance review examples provide specific, measurable self-appraisal comments that illustrate your thought process and strategic approach to achieving your goals.

2. Include facts and figures

Prime examples of self-evaluation for performance review examples are ones that provide plenty of supporting evidence to back up your claims and make your self-appraisal comments credible.

Metrics serve as a helpful reference point to include in your self-appraisal comments and self-evaluation for performance review examples for managers to clearly understand how your performance impacts results.

Here, we’ll share two self-evaluation for performance review examples and show you how you can improve your self-appraisal comments to include metrics.

I managed our social media accounts and drafted the copy for all posts.

In self-evaluation for performance review examples like this, simply stating that you executed a task in your job scope lacks impact. Instead, share specific self-evaluation for performance review examples and numbers such as:

I grew the company LinkedIn following from 250 to 400 followers in three months and increased post engagement by 8% through continued interaction, targeted posts, and repurposed content.

Such self-evaluation for performance review examples provide tangible results that clearly lay out how your work benefits the business as well as your measurable progress and achievements. This gives your self-appraisal comments credibility.

3. Continuously strive for growth

Performance reviews and self-appraisal comments are a time to reflect on your strengths and accomplishments as well as your areas for improvement. It can feel uncomfortable to discuss your performance shortcomings in your self-appraisal comments, as you may be nervous to point out areas of your work that need improvement.

However, there are ways to reframe these misses in your self-appraisal comments as opportunities for growth instead of failures. Use positive, solution-oriented language that looks to the future when evaluating areas of improvement.

Some phrases you can use in your self-appraisal comments are:

Additionally, your self-appraisal comments are an opportunity for you to ask for support. If your growth in a certain area requires the company’s support or resources, they’re the perfect opportunity to make that request, as you’ll see in our self-evaluation for performance review examples.

4. Track your accomplishments

You do a lot in the day-to-day routine of your role, and by the time self-appraisal comments come around, it can be difficult to recall accomplishments and tasks you’ve achieved for self-appraisal comments.

A strategic way to refresh your memory and always have a pool of specific self-evaluation for performance review examples is to maintain a running list of your accomplishments throughout your time at your company.

This can be as simple as keeping a Word doc, notes app, or a dedicated notebook that you regularly update with points for future self-appraisal comments. We recommend closing out your week by listing out your accomplishments to keep this list up to date so that you’re ready with plenty of self-evaluation for performance review examples.

30 Specific Self-Evaluation Performance Review Examples

Self-evaluation for performance review examples and questions vary from company to company and even sometimes from department to department, however these core themes often show up in all self-assessments.

Being able to assess and articulate your strengths and weaknesses will help you write comprehensive self-appraisal comments that reflect your value.

In each category, we’ll share some starting points and questions you should ask yourself, as well as provide several self-evaluation for performance review examples.


Can I effectively and efficiently run a team while giving clear guidance? What are my strengths and weaknesses in this area?

Here are some self-evaluation for performance review examples illustrating both strengths and areas for improvement as they relate to leadership.

Areas for Improvement

Team Collaboration

How do I approach collaborating within my team as well as across other departments in the organization?

Here’s some self-evaluation for performance review examples that feature potential strengths and weaknesses in team collaboration.

Areas for Improvement

Creativity and Innovation

Am I able to think outside the box to develop new ways of doing things? What new methods or practices did I adopt or create? How did they contribute to my role?

Some self-evaluation for performance review examples that illustrate both strengths and weaknesses on creativity and innovation include:

Areas for Improvement


Did I successfully achieve the goals my manager and I set for my role? How do I contribute to the overall success of the organization? What are my top achievements since my last performance review?

Here are six self-evaluation for performance review examples highlighting strengths and weaknesses related to achievements.

Areas for Improvement

Maximize Your Performance Review Process


Performance reviews and writing self-appraisal comments don’t have to be a dreaded task. With the right framework, guidance, and self-evaluation for performance review examples, the exercise can become a powerful tool in self-reflection and professional development.

Allow these self-evaluation for performance review examples to guide you to a concise and complete evaluation during your next performance review.

For more resources to improve your self-appraisal comments, download our free performance review questions template.

To learn how Omni can automate and digitize your performance review process, schedule a demo with our team.